Do You Know These 4 Unique Uses for Peppermint Oil?

Essential oils are growing into modern consciousness as today’s culture seeks to rely more on holistic approaches to medical treatments and non-toxic solutions for common household problems. You may not have even thought of the uses many essential oils have. Peppermint oil, although it requires more data, shows promise as a safe and effective alternative to traditional remedies for hair growth, pest control, migraines, and irritable bowel syndrome.

Hair Growth

Peppermint oil is well-known for its stimulatory properties. This also applies to the scalp. Not only does it improve circulation to your head and hair follicles, but it also provides antiseptic benefits. It helps remove obvious parasites like lice and controls more prevalent organisms such as bacteria and yeast. By eliminating conditions that could lead to dandruff, peppermint oil improves the overall environment to encourage lustrous growth of hair, even if previously damaged. Peppermint oil may also significantly reduce hair loss.

Pest Control

While you may find the scent of peppermint oil pleasant and invigorating, insects and other pests think it is offensive and noxious. You can use peppermint essential oil mixed with white vinegar one part to two parts to repel cockroaches, spiders, and other insects. If you create a spray, you can use it on multiple hiding locations for various insects and even mold. Peppermint oil can also help to deter mice and rodents. Peppermint oil’s success as a pest control solution relies on its ability to deter insects and rodents. It is not a lethal option.

Migraines and Headaches

People have long used peppermint oil to treat headache symptoms. The menthol in peppermint is what is responsible for the ability of this essential oil to improve blood flow and expand circulatory vessels. Vasodilation relieves pain and eases tense muscles. Menthol also appears to open the sinuses, which could potentially help headaches. You can add a few drops of peppermint essential oil to a diffuser, vaporizer, steam bath, or massage oil. Perhaps the best application for the use of peppermint oil for migraines is topical administration directly to your temples.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Scientists and health care professionals have conducted most of their studies on the efficacy of peppermint oil by analyzing its results in irritable bowel syndrome or IBS. Peppermint essential oils have been touted to treat a wide range of digestive ailments from a simple upset stomach to nausea and abdominal pain. The same compound that unknots skeletal muscles in headache pain may also relax smooth muscles involved in peristaltic abnormalities, intestinal spasms, and flatulence. People with IBS, particularly, often experience less pain and better gut motility when they use peppermint oil. For IBS, you can ingest the essential oil as a coated capsule or apply a topical preparation to your abdomen and wrists.

Essential oils show overwhelming promise in holistic medicine and practical household solutions. You may not immediately think of peppermint oil for some common ailments. However, peppermint essential oil may be as effective, if not more so, than standard treatments for pest control, hair growth, and even IBS.

Sometimes, no matter what we do, we feel stuck and unable to improve our lives. If you feel stuck in your life, get in contact with Alise Spiritual Healing & Wellness Center to see how you can receive help today.

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